Post Hospital Care

For A Safe And Speedy Recovery

Recovering Safely at Home After Hospital Is Critical

Pauline and Olivia

Properly managing the transition home following discharge from the hospital or rehabilitation facility is essential for a safe and effective recovery.

Studies show that up to 35% of Seniors are readmitted to the hospital after only 90 days due to a lack of proper care post hospitalisation. Hospital readmission to leads to further pain, stress, discomfort, expense and a much slower recuperation for the patient.

The assistance of family and friends is beneficial, but they do not have the proper training to ensure that your loved one is cared for appropriately. Despite their best efforts, they may end up doing more harm than good. They won’t know the warning signs to look out for or how to treat acute conditions.

Post-hospital care regimens are often complicated and demanding. A Hospital readmission is often the result of not following doctor’s prescriptions and instructions correctly. It can be difficult to understand medical terms and to remember to do all of the things that have been prescribed.

The CareSide Caregivers and Nurses are fully qualified and receive rigorous training to provide expert care during this critical time of recovery. Our services will make the discharge home a smooth, easy transition. Our approach promotes healing for the patient and reduces stress and anxiety for all family members.

Avoid Hospital Readmission With Post Hospital Transition Care

There are many health risks to actively manage during the recovery process that will either extend the recovery period or will contribute to worsening the patient’s condition.

Typical risks to most carefully manage are:

  • Not taking medications as prescribed;
  • Missing medical follow-up appointments;
  • Poor nutrition;
  • Not doing the recommended rehabilitation exercises;
  • Dehydration;
  • Fall hazards at home; and
  • Driving a car when not ready

Conditions that need exceptionally skilled care to make sure that the patient’s condition does not worsen:

  • Pneumonia
  • Post Stroke Recovery
  • Heart Condition
  • Diabetes
  • Incontinence
  • Neurological Conditions such as Dementia, Motor Neurone Disease, Parkinson’s Diseaseand MS.


How We Help You Recover Safely

We will make your transition home safer and your recovery faster with the following services.

Hospital Discharge

Our Nurses will work with the hospital discharge planners and social workers to develop a Care Plan to ensure your loved one has a successful recovery. Having a robust support plan in place for transitioning home is an effective way to manage post-hospital recovery risk

Transportation Home

At The CareSide, your Love One has the same Caregiver for several days in a row. This arrangement facilitates the Elder relaxing and being on friendly and trusting terms with their Caregiver.

Light Housekeeping

You will most likely be unable to do many physical activities soon after discharge, so we will make sure that the house is kept neat and tidy while you recover. We will make your bed, change the sheets and do the laundry.

Medication Supervision

We will make sure that your medication schedule is organised and that the correct medications in the correct dosages are taken as prescribed.


We will do your meal planning, shopping, cooking and cleanup to make sure that you eat healthy and tasty meals during your recovery period.


We will supervise the exercises and physical therapy that has been advised by the Occupational Therapists or Physical Therapists.

Monitoring Warning Signs

We know what warning signs to watch out for to ensure that you are on the road to recovery. If we see your progress stalling or even going backwards, we will take immediate action to prevent complications and setbacks that might trigger a hospital readmission.

Progress Notes

We will record your progress, significant events and milestones in a logbook that can be shared with your medical team to make sure that the Care Plan is working as expected.

Medical Appointment Coordination

We will coordinate all of your medical appointments to make sure that you make it to them on time. We will arrange transportation for you and escort you into and out of the appointments.

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