Compare Our Prices

Why We Are The Best Value Provider

The easiest way to compare prices between Home Care Providers is to compare the Expected Number of Hours of Care each fortnight, for each level of Home Care Package.
Stewart Brown is Australia’s biggest Aged Care Specialist Consulting, Accounting and Financial Planning Firm.
Each quarter they produce the Aged Care Financial Performance Survey Sector Report, which is the largest benchmark survey of Australia’s Aged Care sector. This survey analyses financial and supporting data from over 1,011 residential care homes, and over 26,386 Home Care packages (498 home care programs) nationally.
As of March 2019, the national average Home Care Package Management Fee was 24.05% and the national average Home Care Case Management fee was 9.69%, surveyed over all Home Care Package providers.
This means the average Home Care Provider has a total management fee of 33.74% compared to The CareSide’s fee of 15%. With us, you save over 60% on Fees compared to Other Providers on average.
Home Care Package Expected Hours Of Care Per Fortnight Comparison

The CareSide vs Other Providers

Hours Of Care Per Fortnight
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
Home Care Package Level
Compared to the average national Home Care Package provider, The CareSide is on average close to 50% Better Value. That is, for the same amount of fees that other service providers charge, we can give you close to 50% more hours of care.
Not only do we give you up to 50% more care, we will also give you the Same Carer, On Time, Every Time.
That is why The CareSide is the Best Value Home Care Provider in WA.
For a detailed budget, which will include all supplements, third party services, equipment, consumables, travel, income tested fees, daily contributions and discounts, please Contact Us.
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