Aboriginal Home Care with The CareSide
The Importance of Home Care in Australian Aboriginal Communities
Ageing is an important, respected and revered part of life in Aboriginal culture.
Elders play a pivotal role in Australia’s Aboriginal community, and they are upheld as the keepers of knowledge and Aboriginal cultural traditions. In particular, elders serve as mentors and advisors to younger generations: they are responsible for passing on knowledge and wisdom from one generation to the next.
Elderly adults in the Aboriginal community face unique issues with regard to ageing. Providing them with culturally appropriate aged care services and home care services involves being respectful, understanding and accommodating of the beliefs and values that are tied to ageing within Aboriginal culture.
Our experienced and compassionate carers are not only dedicated to providing the highest quality aged care and home care, but they’re committed to delivering personal care in a way that empowers Aboriginal people to maintain their cultural values and connections to their families and communities.
Aboriginal Home Care Services in Australia
At The CareSide, we believe that creating culturally appropriate and safe health care starts with communication.
But it must also include mutual respect within the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities, as well as workforce flexibility capable of accommodating Aboriginal cultural traditions, practices, beliefs and values.
Our teams of caregiving professionals at The CareSide are flexible and accommodating, and their tailored home care is responsive to the needs of each individual elder.
Respecting Indigenous Cultural Practices
We understand the importance of traditional healing practices such as bush medicine, spiritual healing and storytelling. Our in-home carers are trained to be respectful of these practices and work hard to incorporate them into the elder’s care plan wherever possible.
Preparing Culturally Appropriate Food
Aboriginal cuisine includes a variety of plant-based foods, nuts and lean proteins such as fish and kangaroo. Some Aboriginal people also have specific dietary restrictions, so they have to avoid dairy products or certain types of meat.
Aboriginal cultural beliefs around food also emphasise the importance of communal eating and sharing food with others. Our in-home caregiving professionals are respectful of elders’ dietary restrictions and can provide culturally appropriate meals that are healthy and delicious.
Providing Opportunities for Socialisation and Spiritual Growth
Cultural traditions and values in Aboriginal culture are preserved through storytelling and oral history. Elders play a critical role in transferring those stories and that knowledge down through younger generations.
As such, ageing in Aboriginal culture is viewed through a lens of personal growth and spiritual development: older generations pass on Aboriginal traditions and become more connected to their community.
Our caregivers help elders connect through programs and events, where they have opportunities to engage with their friends, families and communities—all while maintaining their social support networks and the sense of belonging that is so fundamental to Aboriginal culture.
Respecting Aboriginal Language and Communication
Many Aboriginal people prefer to communicate in their own language and dialect. Aboriginal culture also has different views on the concept of time, so elders may have a more relaxed approach to scheduling and appointment setting.
At The CareSide, our aged care and home care professionals can provide interpreters or language support to facilitate effective communication and stronger understanding. They are also patient and flexible in their approach to Aboriginal home care, adapting to each elder’s unique needs and preferences.
Still need help?
If you still have questions about how The CareSide approaches home care and aged care for Indigenous and Aboriginal people, contact us via our website form or call us at 1300 85 40 80.
We are a national approved provider managing home care packages and CHSP services across Australia, including NSW, QLD, VIC, WA and SA. We understand how complex care can be, especially among Aboriginal communities.
Our team can help you determine the most effective strategy and find the best Aboriginal home care services—we’ll answer your questions about home care packages, explain complicated government language, provide breakdowns of fees, and assist you with whatever else you might need!